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Personal coaching

InTune coaches managers and professionals. Both senior and inexperienced.
They use coaching because they want to change and develop, and wish to get support. With determining what exactly they want to achieve, or with realizing their new goals. Or both.

The client may have specific needs for development: competencies and skills not yet at the level required to perform optimally or to grow further. These are ‘how’ topics.
Some examples:

  • personal impact
  • (inter)personal effectiveness
  • leadership, style flexibility
  • dealing with conflicts

With maturity coaching, the client works to increase and deepen his generic understanding of the complex playing field of a large and continously changing organization. And uses this understanding to become a more effective player.
Concrete challenges of the client, like

  • strategy
  • culture change
  • the various stakeholders and interests
  • internal politics

will be dealt with during the programme. So, both ‘how’ and ‘what’. The goal is maturity in complexity.

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There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path – Morpheus, The Matrix I